The Next Step
You need to be slightly street wise when you are working the streets as a photographer, you are working in a public place and the law states you are allowed to take photographs in a public place but unfortunately not everyone you come across will see it this way and some people get upset if they catch you taking their photograph
So if you come across this, Just apologise and show them you're deleting the image and move on to the next subject
By getting closer you will capture more emotion and more detail. The field of view changes so that your viewer feels that they are closer to the action. I've found that the perfect lens for this is the 50mm prim lens
Shooting from the hip is a very good technique to use when working in street photography, you simply hold your camera down by your hip in front of you and pointing it at you subject, take the shot at the same as you are looking in a different direction!
With some practice you will find this technique quite easy to do
Some of the settings I use
I always shoot in RAW and work in Manual Mode
My classic technique for street photography consists of using a 50mm prime lens on a full-frame camera body, setting the ISO to a moderate high speed 400 or 800
Setting the lens to auto focusing
Set the shutter speed to around 1/125 sec or higher, depending on available light
The higher the ISO setting will mean the smaller the aperture used, around f/11 works well
The smaller the aperture, the less critical it is to focus precisely on your subject, remember you're not looking through the viewfinder it's a case of point and shoot
Street Photography Links
- What's inside My World of Photography!!!
- We have something for everyone, galleries to view including all sorts of wildlife, Tiger's Lion's Leopards, birds of prey, and a host of other animals.
- Interview: John Free Street Photography
- With twenty one years of experience teaching and working with two thousand photographers, John Free now teaches Street Photography Workshops
- Focus on Street Photographer Eric Kim In your face with a smile!
- If you shoot street photography, you have most likely heard of California based photographer Eric Kim. Do you need to learnknow digital photography methods that carry skilled photographers to where they ara today? Well, The Top Secret Photography Techniques could help you out in doing so.To become spectacular images we primary need to have to look at some imperative photogarphy strategies. The primary one i am able to share with you is discover about light. You can come across every little thing regarding photography techniques on The Top Secret Photography Techniques. Each time you uncover about light and in what methods it interacts with the direct environment then your pictures will get (betterimprovedmuch bettermore beneficialsuperior. He is so active in the social media and blogging world that it is virtually impossible to miss him and his big grin.
Some of my Street Photography Images
This image was captured sitting in a coffee shop, using my, Canon EOS 500D from the table
Greek Man resting with his coffee!
I managed to capture this street shot back in October 2011, walking past this man using my canon 5D from the hip, so it is a case of shoot and hope for the best
Short back and sides, flat on the top please
Reflections of a hairdresser
Street Photography at the Hairdressers in Retford Town Centre, shooting into the mirror
Street Photography Disability
Street shot I'm British
The Big Issue
Yorkshire Wildlife Park Street Shot
Walking around the wildlife park and spotted these three park officials engaged in deep conversation talking about park business, as they walked towards me I raised my camera slightly and took the shot
Looking at the image top right, you can see the New Leopard observation tower and enclosure
I have a question
Body Art
Last of the mohicans
Police shoot and kill Rottweiler in the street when the dog runs ... 03, 2013 A video posted yesterday on YouTube shows the grisly shooting of a dog by a police officer in Hawthorne, California. The 130-pound, 3-year-old Rottweiler ...
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Lindsay Lohan Recreates Last Nude Photo Shoot of Marilyn 18, 2008 In 1962, photographer Bert Stern shot a series of photos of Marilyn Monroe that have collectively come to be known as The Last Sitting.
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Nuestra Belleza Latina 2013 Photo Shoot - YogaFrogCaps been awhile since I created screen captures from a photo shoot. Here are some from the Nuestra Belleza Latina 2013 Photo Shoot that aired on El Gordo y La Flaca.
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Hundreds attend Thatcher street party in Windrush Square, substantial crowd gathered in Windrush Square in Brixton last night on the news that Margaret Thatcher had died. An event page on Facebook attracted nearly 1,000 ...
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Santa Monica College Shooting Leaves Five Dead Including 07, 2013 Santa Monica College was placed on lockdown Friday after reports that a suspect fired a gun inside a campus building just before noon. Five people ...
Little People - a tiny street art project
Feb 16, 2013 A tiny street art project from London, UK.
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